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Part of the wider NWT Hickling Broad area, the Rush Hill Scrape circuit is well worth a visit, with fewer birders around than on the main reserve.
Rush Hill Scrape is on the south side of NWT Hickling, and offers wetland, reedbed and wet woodland habitats boasting all of the iconic broadland species. It is possible to see Kraanvogel, Roerdomp Bruine Kiekendief and Baardman here at any time of year, when walking the paths alongside the reedbed. The wet woodland offers opportunities to find Glanskop and Taigaboomkruiper, while the surrounding farmland supports several Geelgors.
In spring and autumn, Rush Hill Scrape can be a fantastic place to look for passage waders. You may find Kemphaan, Bonte Strandloper, Tureluur, Groenpootruiter, Oeverloper, Witgat, Bontbekplevier and possibly something rarer. You may potentially see something rarer if the water levels a low, such as Bosruiter, Kleine Strandloper, Krombekstrandloper, Kanoet, Steenloper or Zwarte Ruiter. You can chance upon Lepelaar any time from March to October here also.
The scrape is a great place to find Zomertaling in the spring, while Visdief, Zwarte Stern and even Dwergstern have been known to drop in occasionally too! Listen out for the song of Fitis along the trails in the summer months, as well as Kleine Karekiet and Rietzanger.
The winter is quiter at the site, but lucky observers may glipse a Houtsnip in the wet woodland, while Brilduiker can be found on the broad and there are usually large numbers of Wintertaling on the scrape.
Park in Potter Heigham Village, either at the village hall or by the church (but not directly in front of the church itself). The trails can be muddy in the wet woodland during the winter. The paths may also be overgrown during the summer, so wear long trousers as ticks are in the area.
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