Rate birdingplace Parc Tredelerch
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A former oxbow lake off the Rumney river, then a landfill site, now relandscaped country park. Lake of 4 hectares good for fishing. Adjoins mainline railway.
Parc Tredelerch has IJsvogel, Kuifeend, Kievit, Rietzanger and other common birds. South of Lamby Way there are extensive water meadows and tidal mudflats which may have a more extensive range of species, (shelduck, curlew, marsh harrier, egrets, wheatear, oystercatcher?) especially in winter, but beware of being cut off by floods/high tides.
From M4 juncyon 29A or 30, follow Eastern Avenue A48 south, then left onto A4161 and continue on A4232, then left onto Lamby Way. Click on the P in the map for directions.