
Low Newton by the Sea

Northumberland  >  United Kingdom

A seaside village, with a seawatching point to the north, a flooded scrape behind pub, and a small lake to the south.

Geplaatst* door Rob Fox
Meest recente update 8 december 2024


Low Newton by the Sea has good mixed birding, with waders, sea-birds and wildfowl, all within an easy walk. Among the birds you can see on or from the beach are Eider, Roodkeelduiker, Zilverplevier, Goudplevier, Zeekoet, Dwergstern, Scholekster, Steenloper, and many more.

The shrubs and trees around the 'Tin church' (a small corrugated metal chapel 100 m north of the car park; see map) are very good for attracting coastal migrants; these have included Withalsvliegenvanger and Roodoogvireo, among many others.

The best birding is on the wader scrape between the village and the pool; this has attracted an excellent selection of waders, including rarities such as Steltstrandloper, Gestreepte Strandloper, and Grauwe Franjepoot, as well as more regular species like Kluut, Bonte Strandloper, Kleine Strandloper, Krombekstrandloper, Kemphaan, Grutto, and Regenwulp. It also has regular Gele Kwikstaart, here close to its northern limits in Britain.

On the way to the main pool, during autumn migration after east winds, check the trees and shrubs beside the path going past Risemoor Cottage; there is a good chance of species like Bladkoning, Pallas' Boszanger, Grauwe Fitis, and Kleine Vliegenvanger here.

The main pool is overlooked by two small hides; these are open at all hours. From them you can see a limited range of mostly common species, but can include Zomertaling in spring, and Bruine Kiekendief is sometimes present. Sprinkhaanzanger breeds in the wet grass with scattered shrubs here too.



Public car park on the right, 300m before the village (residents parking only thereafter). About 2.5 km walk from nearest bust stop (X18 and 418 services, on the B1339), though a few busses do go down to High Newton, a 1 km walk.

Terrein en leefgebied

Verspreide bomen en struiken , Grasland/weide , Wetland , Duinen , Veen/heide , Meer , Strand , Zee , Landbouw , Slikken


Hoog water mogelijk , Vlak , Zanderig , Droog , Nat , Heuvelachtig

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Winter , Zomer , Voorjaarstrek , Lente , Herfst , Najaarstrek


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Te voet , Fiets , Auto

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