
Half Moon Common - Court Copse

Hampshire  >  United Kingdom

Half Moon Common - Court Copse is North West of the City of Southampton in Hampshire.

Geplaatst* door Baz Willmott
Meest recente update 9 juli 2024
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The area comprises of a large area of heathland with both deciduous and conifer woodland.

(*1), from around the car park area scan for overflying Buizerd, Torenvalk, Sperwer and Rode Wouw. During the Summer Wespendief are sometimes seen. More open areas have can have Holenduif, Grote Lijster, Groene Specht, Graspieper, Veldleeuwerik and Boomleeuwerik. Gorse (Ulex) patches have Provençaalse Grasmus and Roodborsttapuit.

(*2), Broadleaved woodland here hold Appelvink, Kleine Bonte Specht, Boomklever, Taigaboomkruiper. In Summer Zomertortel, Grauwe Vliegenvanger, Gekraagde Roodstaart, Tjiftjaf, Zwartkop and Koekoek can all be expected. Birch (Betula) trees can attract Paapje, Fluiter, Tuinfluiter, Fitis, Braamsluiper, Kneu, Goudvink and Staartmees.

(*3), Court Copse area, scattered scrub here on the North edge of the copse, have 'roding' Houtsnip and 'churring" Nachtzwaluw in the evenings. More open areas have Graspieper and Veldleeuwerik, scattered trees can have Boomleeuwerik and Boompieper.

Be sure to check any scrubland for Geelgors, Roodborsttapuit, Kneu, Grasmus and Braamsluiper. Conifers around the site can have Goudhaan, Vuurgoudhaan, Zwarte Mees, Sijs and the occasional Kruisbek.



Leave the M27 motorway at junction 2, on roundabout take exit signed Salisbury/Romsey/Fawley/A36, at next roundabout take second exit signed Salisbury/Plaitford/Wellow/A36. Continue on this road turning Left at sign for Bradshaw, pass over cattle grid onto Black Hill Road. Continue on this road and large car park (free) is on the Left.

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