
Hackney Marshes

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Hackney Marshes Local Nature Reserve is in Newton Abbot, South Devon, at the head of the Teign Estuary.

Geplaatst* door Baz Willmott
Meest recente update 20 november 2020
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Hackney Marshes are an area of rough grassland, pools, scrub and wooded areas next to Newton Abbot racecourse. There are a number of good paths in the area, one of which takes you under the A380 to Passage House Inn. Along this path the Teign Estuary is narrow compared to the wider lower estuary to the East.



From Exeter on the outskirts of Newton Abbot on the A380, take exit marked Teignmouth A381, at roundabout take 3rd exit marked Teignmouth Road A383, at next roundabout take 1st exit onto Vicarage Hill A383, at next roundabout take 1st exit onto Greenhall Way A383, take 3rd turning left just after a wooded area into marsh car park. Paths from here head South East and head under the main A380 Exeter to Torquay road. When you near the Paddington to Penzance mainline the head of the Teign should be visible, continue on this path to New Passage Inn.

Terrein en leefgebied

Bos , Wetland , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Rivier , Zee , Slikken , Strand , Stad/dorp


Vlak , Nat , Hoog water mogelijk , Open landschap

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Toptijd voor dit gebied

Winter , Zomer , Lente , Herfst , Najaarstrek , Voorjaarstrek


Verharde weg , Breed pad , Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Auto , Rolstoel

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