
Catcott Complex Nature Reserve

Somerset  >  United Kingdom

A wetland area on the Somerset levels, part of the Avalon Marshes.

Geplaatst* door Tom Saunders
Meest recente update 4 maart 2022


Catcott Complex Nature Reserve has beautiful views across the Somerset levels and is a gorgeous wetland area. It has recently been home to a Zwarte Ibis, and various species of Egret including Koereiger are frequently seen and often in large numbers. Probably the lesser known of the reserves on the Somerset levels frequented by very knowledgeable locals.



If taking the Bath road/A39 between Street and Bridgwater (off Junction 23 on the M5), head North towards Catcott. The reserve can be accessed before reaching Burtle. There is a car park next to the main hide accessed by a rather bumpy lane with very little passing places, or just before accessing this where there is space for several cars where any of the hides can be accessed.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Veen/heide



Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


Telescoop meenemen?

Kan handig zijn

Wanneer hier vogels kijken?

Het hele jaar

Toptijd voor dit gebied

Winter , Zomer , Voorjaarstrek , Lente , Herfst , Najaarstrek


Verharde weg , Breed pad , Onverharde weg , Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Auto , Rolstoel

Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

In the Summer months Gierzwaluw, Boerenzwaluw and Boomvalk can be seen flying overhead. Kievit are frequently seen in the marshland along with wildfowl. A walk to the Tower Hide is often treated with a IJsvogel.

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