
Dönemeç Delta

Van  >  Turkey

One of the most important bird area on the shores of Lake Van. Many birds make a stop here during migration or breed in the area.

Geplaatst* door Lider Sinav
Meest recente update 12 januari 2023


The delta habitat of Dönemeç Delta attracts many birds. It is located on the shores of the Lake Van and a mix of fresh and alkaline water lakes with dense reed beds. This delta habitat also has dune hills which are nesting places for Oeverzwaluw, Scharrelaar, Bijeneter and so on. Among the other birds you can see are Flamingo, Slobeend, Bergeend, Casarca, Zwartkopmeeuw, Dunbekmeeuw, Kluut, Grutto, Roerdomp and Dwergaalscholver.



Car and walking are good options for birding in this area. You can get there by car. The wide village roads are good for parking. Click for directions on a P in the map to go to that place.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Rivier , Duinen , Strand , Meer , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Rietvelden , Stad/dorp , Landbouw , Slikken , Vlakte


Heuvelachtig , Vlak , Zanderig , Nat , Open landschap

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


Telescoop meenemen?


Wanneer hier vogels kijken?

Lente , Herfst , Zomer

Toptijd voor dit gebied

Voorjaarstrek , Najaarstrek , Herfst , Lente


Breed pad , Verharde weg , Onverharde weg , Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via


Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

Please be respectfull to the local people.

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