

Västerbotten  >  Sweden

Umeälvens delta is a large delta in Northern Bottenviken. It holds valuable coastal meadows, large deciduous forests, large fields and valuable wetlands.

Geplaatst* door Ludwig Gustafsson
Meest recente update 3 februari 2022


At the Umeälvens delta 295 bird species have been recorded. The delta holds a few rarer wintering birds like: Drieteenspecht, Haakbek, Witbandkruisbek, Grijskopspecht, and Witstuitbarmsijs. During each spring around 6000 Wilde Zwaan stay at the delta. Around one thousand Wilde Eend, Wintertaling, and Smient use the area as feeding grounds during the spring. Also hundreds of Pijlstaart, Brilduiker, Grote Zaagbek and Kuifeend. Ducks who are rarely seen in Northern Sweden like Zomertaling, Bergeend, Krakeend, Tafeleend, and Topper can often be seen.

Large amounts of wader use the delta as feeding grounds. Most common are Kemphaan, Bonte Strandloper, Goudplevier, Wulp, Kievit and Bosruiter. Also rare waders like Kleine Plevier, Grauwe Franjepoot, Grutto, Morinelplevier, Rosse Grutto and Breedbekstrandloper. Bosgors is regularly seen. Bruine Kiekendief and Ortolaan breed.

During spring the fields close to the delta are fillled with geese, passerine birds and waders. Some of the rarer birds often seen are IJsgors, Kneu, Roodkeelpieper and Turkse Tortel. During atumn the coastal meadows are once again filled with wading birds migrationg south. During autumn more arctic waders are seen, while less of the southern species are seen.



In several places in the nature reserve there are bird towers and other facilities for bird watching. See the map below. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point. To protect nesting birds, you are not allowed to walk off marked trails between April 1 and August 15. Ramps, bird towers, hides and platforms may be used during this time.

A suspension bridge suitable for both wheelchair users and strollers makes Stora Tuvan accessible from the parking lot (see the map). On the island, an accessible ramp through lush deciduous forest goes out to the bird tower. The ramp is also available for the visually impaired. There is a hide at the far end of the headland.

Terrein en leefgebied

Bos , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Grasland/weide , Wetland , Vlakte , Hoogvlakte , Dal , Rivier , Zee , Rietvelden , Stad/dorp , Landbouw , Slikken , Meer


Vlak , Heuvelachtig , Open landschap , Nat

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