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One of the larger islands in the Stockholm Archipelago. The coast and sea, the 9 marshy lakes and the extensive pine forests attract interesting bird species.
Runmarö island was formerly used as a navigator lookout due to its strategic position close to important shipping routes. The ground consists of limestone and grants conditions for many interesting plants, especially orchids (at least 27 different kinds) and Apollo butterflies. But also birds benefit from the plant diversity and this remote island is well worth a visit.
Among the breeding birds in the island's forests are Parelduiker, (lakes Vitträsk and Uppeby träsk), Boomleeuwerik, Grote Lijster, Kleine Bonte Specht, Draaihals, Dwerguil, (March), Nachtzwaluw (May-June northeast of Uppebyträsk) and Grote Kruisbek. The latter species is something of a Middle Archipelago specialty in the Stockholm area, and Runmarö is one of the places where the species is most easily seen. More common birds that can be easily observed include Raaf, Tapuit, Witte Kwikstaart, Fitis, Grote Bonte Specht, Sijs, Geelgors and Grote Lijster.
Runmarö is one of the nearest islands in the Värmdö archipelago; the boat trip from Stavsnäs takes just 10 minutes and the boats go regularly all year round. The island is most easily reached by bus (433/434 from Slussen) to Stavsnäs winter harbor and then Waxholmsbåt to Styrsvik's (central) or Långvik's (northern part) jetty. As the island is quite large (11 x 8 km), it may be a good idea to bring a bicycle or rent one at the shop in Styrsvik.
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