
Indalsälvens delta

Medelpad  >  Sweden

A large and very young (ca 200 years old) delta in Sundsvall. The area has large sand dunes and large amounts of deciduous forests.

Geplaatst* door Ludwig Gustafsson
Meest recente update 12 januari 2022


In and around Indalsälvens delta around 195 birds have been recorded. In around the delta there is a often variety of waterfowl. Wintertaling, Smient and Zwarte Zee-eend are often seen. The shallow beaches attract waders, espcially when the water levels are low. Some of the common waders are Steenloper, Tureluur, Bonte Strandloper, Kemphaan, Scholekster, and Oeverloper. Sometimes rarer waders like Drieteenstrandloper, Rosse Grutto, Kanoet and Zilverplevier can be seen.

Next to the delta lies the area of Fagerviksfälten, that has fields that geese, waders and passerine birds often use as resting grounds. Sometimes the rare Dwerggans can be spotted in the spring. Other birds who often use the field as feeding grounds are Kleine Rietgans, Kneu and Frater.

The large deciduous forests are used as breeding and feeding grounds for birds like Roodmus, Grauwe Vliegenvanger, Bonte Vliegenvanger, Kleine Bonte Specht, Grijskopspecht and Appelvink. On and around the delta large amounts of gulls and terns are often seen. most common are Kokmeeuw, Kleine Mantelmeeuw, Stormmeeuw, and Visdief. Dwergmeeuw is seen regularly.



Parking can be done on Skeppsholmen (the same island as the airport). On the island you take the exit out of the E4 and drive southwest on the island until you arrive at the parking spot. There are a few bridges connecting the island together, and a reasonable network of roads which makes the delta relativley easy to traverse.

Terrein en leefgebied

Bos , Wetland , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Rivier , Rietvelden , Landbouw , Slikken , Strand , Stad/dorp , Zee


Zanderig , Nat , Hoog water mogelijk

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