

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Gärstadverken is large recycling plant, with large dams, and amounts of waste. This makes it Östergötlands premier location for gulls.

Geplaatst* door Ludwig Gustafsson
Meest recente update 9 februari 2023
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Just as any season at Gärstad, the area is overflowing with gulls even in winter. Most common are Zilvermeeuw and Grote Mantelmeeuw. But also smaller amounts of wintering Stormmeeuw and Kokmeeuw. During cold winters even Grote Burgemeester has been found. The gulls also attract large amounts of wintering birds of prey like Zeearend, Slechtvalk, Buizerd, and Sperwer. If the dams are ice free smaller amounts of ducks, geese and swans can be found in the area. Around Gärstadverken there are smaller amounts of wasteland enjoyed by birds during winter and alte autumn. Rare birds like Vink (rare in winter), Kneu (rare in winter), Frater, Bokje and Zwarte Roodstaart have been found along with many more common wintering birds. Along with the gulls large amounts of crows also winter in the area. Most numerous are Bonte Kraai, Raaf and Kauw.

During sping most of the Stormmeeuw and Kokmeeuw return to Gärstadverken. Rarer gulls like Kleine Mantelmeeuw, and Pontische Meeuw are also found during this period. Early spring birds are also often found here first like Spreeuw, Veldleeuwerik, Kievit, and Houtduif. The fields around Gärstadverken are also often filled with geese and swans during this period. When the dams open up most dabbling ducks common in the area can be found.

Gärstadverken is a quite surprisingly good location for wading birds. With Tureluur, Scholekster, and Goudplevier being common. During autumn even some arctic waders can be found.

During summer Fuut, Dodaars, Kleine Plevier, Kuifduiker and Geoorde Fuut, who arrive in spring, all breed in the many dams in the area. Geoorde Fuut is extremely rare (only breeds in one other area in Sweden since it recently disappeared from Skåne) and might have left this location for good since it wasn't found in 2022.

During autumn gulls are most numerous. Thousands of Stormmeeuw and Zilvermeeuw. Although they often venture into lake Roxen. Here Pontische Meeuw is relativley numerous, and Geelpootmeeuw can be found. Other rare gulls like Drieteenmeeuw (very rare) and Dwergmeeuw can also be seen.



Gärstadverken is located between the city of Linköping and lake Roxen. There is a parking lot. Click on a P in the map for directions to a parking.

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Bos , Wetland , Vlakte , Slikken , Strand , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Rietvelden , Stad/dorp



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