
Puig des Savinar

Ibiza  >  Spain

Spectacular views over the islets of Es Vedrà and Es Vedranell and the coastal cliffs. Good chance to see Eleonora's Valk.

Geplaatst* door Julio
Meest recente update 16 januari 2023
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The medieval defence tower Torre des Savinar is spectacularly located on the high southern cliffs of Ibiza. You have fantastic views over the islets of Es Vedrà, Es Vedranell, the sea and the flat island of Formentera. Es Vedra and Es Vedranella host breeding Eleonora's Valk. In addition these rocky limestone islets support important numbers of Vale Pijlstormvogel, Audouins Meeuw, Geelpootmeeuw, Stormvogeltje and Kuifaalscholver. Kuhls Pijlstormvogel may also breed. Visarend is regularly seen. During migration you can see raptors like Dwergarend passing by. A spotting scope is highly recommended. On the cliffs and the bushes directly in front of you birds like Zwarte Roodstaart, Blauwe Rotslijster, Rotszwaluw, Rotsmus, Vale Gierzwaluw, Alpengierzwaluw, Kleine Zwartkop and Balearische Grasmus can be seen.



Puig des Savinar is a 2 kilometer loop trail (see the map) that is good for bird watching and is accessible year-round. The tower is a 10-minute walk uphill from the main Es Vedrà viewpoint. During high season the parking and the first part of the trail can get very busy. In this period it is best to arrive early. Late afternoon is not really a better option because this point is also very popular for making sunset pics. Put on good walking shoes, because the path is rocky.

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Kloof/klif , Bos , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Zee



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