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Big reservoir that attracts thousands of birds and is unlike many other places in Extremadura also very good for birding in summer.
Embalse de Los Canchales is a big reservoir that was built on the Rivera de Lácara. It is a magnificent point for watching waterfowl. The Los Canchales Reservoir is considered a wetland of International importance. There are large areas of shallow water, reed thickets, grasslands and the lake is surrounded by Holm oak dehesa and large areas of irrigated and rain-fed farmland. Islands, pools and lakes are constructed especially for the birds. During the breeding season the populations on the islands include large numbers of Vorkstaartplevier, Lachstern, Dwergstern and Steltkluut. Also many species of ducks, grebes and gulls can be seen. There are also breeding pairs of Witwangstern and Zwarte Stern. During the autumn passage you can see large amounts of waders and in summer concentrations of Ooievaar with over 500 birds. Many water birds winter on the reservoir, From Lepelaar to Pijlstaart and thousands of other geese, ducks and gulls. A wintering flock of Kraanvogel of more than 1500 birds can be seen on the banks of the reservoir.
Español: El embalse de Los Canchales fue construido sobre la Rivera de Lácara, un curso fluvial que nace en la Sierra de San Pedro y desemboca en la margen izquierda del Guadiana. Es un magnífico punto para la observación de aves acuáticas. El Embalse de Los Canchales está declarado como Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA) y tiene además la consideración de "Humedal de Importancia Internacional". Presenta unas condiciones muy favorables para el establecimiento de numerosas especies de aves, ya que dispone de amplias superficies con aguas poco profundas, mantiene diversos tipos de vegetación asociados al agua (junquerales, praderas, carrizales y formaciones de tamujos, fresnos y sauces) y se encuentra rodeado de dehesas de encinar y grandes extensiones de cultivos de secano y regadío.
The reservoir can be reached from from the EX-209 as it goes through the town of La Garrovilla, where you will find a sign-posted asphalted track that leads straight to the wall of the dam, the perfect starting point for a birdwatching trip. In the area around the reservoir there are several information panels about visiting regulations and routes to follow. From the parking you can walk to the dam or walk the other way to a bird hide on a pier (see the map). If you want to do further exploring: a dirt track of 23 km long, goes around the reservoir and is built above the maximum flood level of the reservoir. Unlike other places in Extremadura the summer months are also very interesting for birding around the Los Canchales reservoir
Español: Se recomienda el acceso desde la EX-209 a su paso por la localidad de La Garrovilla, donde se encuentra señalizada la pista asfaltada que conduce directamente al muro de la presa, el punto de partida ideal para una excursión ornitológica.
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