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On this 9 km pedestrian path along the channels of the Ria de Aveiro many water birds and sea birds can be observed.
This pedestrian path along the channels of the Ria de Aveiro gives you the opportunity to enjoy many species of gulls, duck, waders, birds of prey and all kinds of migratory birds. Among the birds tou can see are Flamingo, Bergeend, Casarca, Lepelaar, Rosse Grutto, Regenwulp, Steenloper, Grijze Wouw and Wintertaling.
Portugues: Ao longo dos canais da ria de aveiro,e constante a observacao de aves marinhas. desde: gaivotas, colhereiros,aguias, falcoes, fuselos.macaricos. galinhas de agua, pintassilgos,bicos de lacre, cegonhas, guarda rios, flamingos, macaricos, perna longa, pato bravo, alveolas, felosas, mergulhoes, garcas,corvo-marinho, pilritos e outras especies migratorias.
There are areas for cars to circulate, for bicycles and to walk everywhere. There are several accesses, through the street that goes from Gafanha da Encarnacao to the Mira beach. The road is long, going from Encarnacao to Areao, I am not sure but maybe 9 km or more.
Portugues: Ha zonas para carros circularem , para bicicletas e andar a pe e por todo o lado.Ha varios acessos,atraves da rua que vai da Gafanha da Encarnacao ate a praia de mira. O percurso e longo,vai da Encarnacao ao Areao,nao sei ao certo mas talvez uns 9 km ou mais.
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