
Ruda Sułowska Ponds

Dolny Śląsk (Lower Silesia)  >  Poland

Complex of ponds located in the Region - Stawy Milickie. A comfortable walk along the dikes with many viewpoints.

Geplaatst* door Krzysztof
Meest recente update 10 april 2024


Ruda Sułowska Ponds (Milicz Region) are ponds located in the outskirts of the village of Ruda Sułowska, not far from Wrocław. A comfortable path between the ponds (asphalt in places) among old trees will certainly be pleasant. There is an educational road along the path. The area is flat, asphalt sections are accessible for wheelchairs.



The easiest way to get there is by car. You can move around the observation area by bike or on foot (in some parts the area is accessible by car). You cannot enter between some of the reservoirs - they are the area of ​​a fishing farm. The car can be parked in the village or in other places - some marked on the map. The circular route displayed on the map is about 4 km.

Terrein en leefgebied

Verspreide bomen en struiken , Vlakte , Wetland , Bos , Meer , Rietvelden , Stad/dorp , Landbouw


Vlak , Open landschap

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Najaarstrek , Voorjaarstrek , Herfst , Lente , Zomer


Breed pad , Onverharde weg

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Auto , Rolstoel

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