
Obszar Dawnej Kopalni Siarki Jeziórko

Województwo Podkarpackie  >  Poland

As a result of the rehabilitation of the Jeziórko sulfur mine area, ponds, wetlands and meadows were created.

Geplaatst* door peterbed
Meest recente update 19 december 2021


Obszar Dawnej Kopalni Siarki Jeziórko is a vast open area with 19 ponds, several hundred hectares of meadows, reed beds and wetlands in post-mining sinkholes. Over 200 species of birds (115 breeding birds) have been observed here. It is an excellent place to observe the breeding gulls such as Kokmeeuw, Pontische Meeuw, Zwartkopmeeuw and waders like Tureluur, Kleine Plevier and Wulp. Also other water birds and herons can be seen here like Klein Waterhoen, Porseleinhoen, Waterral, Meerkoet, Kwartelkoning, Woudaap and Roerdomp.

During spring migration, you can observe flocks of geese (up to several hundred individuals) Grauwe Gans, Kolgans, Toendrarietgans, Dwerggans and Brandgans, ducks (up to several thousand) Witoogeend, Pijlstaart, Krooneend, Kuifeend and Tafeleend, etc.

In late autumn, regular groups of Nonnetje (the largest in the region), as well as Parelduiker, Roodkeelduiker and Middelste Zaagbek can be seen. In winter you can regularly observe, among others Blauwe Kiekendief, Ruigpootbuizerd and Zeearend. Among the owls observed in this area, Velduil and breeding and Ransuil should be mentioned. It's worth having a telescope with you, but with the binoculars only you can easily see most species.



The easiest way to get to the Jeziórka area is from the Grębów - Tarnobrzeg road. The oldest post-mining ponds are already visible from the road, an asphalt road leads deep into the area (further on, shallow and gravel). You can also enter or walk from the side of Wydrza on a gravel road (turn after the Primary School in Wydrza).

A very convenient means of transportation is by bike, but you might as well get there by car or hitchhike and just walk around the whole area.

Terrein en leefgebied

Grasland/weide , Wetland , Rietvelden , Meer


Vlak , Geen schaduw , Open landschap

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