
Lake Farskie

śląskie  >  Poland

Farskie Lake is one of the richest places in birds in the vicinity of Gliwice. Good place to see Blauwborst and other reed birds.

Geplaatst* door Witold
Meest recente update 20 oktober 2021


Lake Farskie (Jezioro Farskie) is a birdrich lake near Gliwice. The shores are overgrown with a strip of reeds. The lake is visited by numerous anglers, and the sight of a pitched tent is not uncommon. But this is also a very good place for birding. You can see many ducks, geese and other water birds and the lake is visited by flocks of gulls in large numbers. On the north side of the lake there are also some mudflats on the shores of Farskie where you can find waders and resting gulls.

Around the reed beds you can find Blauwborst. Farskie Lake one of the few places in Silesia where it is breeding and you can see it in relatively large numbers. Sometimes more than 5 males are observed. Another interesting species is Roerdomp. During the breeding season it is possible to hear 1 or 2 males from the reeds. Also Porseleinhoen can be seen or heard here in numbers up to several individuals. Other birds you can see around the lake are Zomertaling, Dodaars, Waterral, Bruine Kiekendief, Baardman, Snor, Grote Karekiet, Kleine Karekiet, Rietgors, Geelgors and Kleine Plevier. Farskie Lake is bordered by smaller and heavily overgrown water reservoirs on the side of Pszczyńska Street. It is worth to check them for birds.



Farskie Lake is located near the junction of the A4 and A1 motorways. Click on the P in the map to get directions to a parking place. A circular walk around the lake is about 2 km long.

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