
Tromsø Airport - Langnes

Troms and Finnmark  >  Norway

A varied habitat, with shorebirds, waterfowl and open grassland. Interesting despite disturbances (dogs/traffic) year-round. Walk carefully along the shoreline.

Geplaatst* door Jan Höper
Meest recente update 3 december 2023


Nice mudflat near the airport with many waders and seabirds. This place is interesting for local birders and travellers that have an hour of spare time at the airport. In winter, especially when the sun is back from the end of january, take your telescope and scan the water/Sound. There are always Koningseider, Eider, Grote Zee-eend, Zwarte Zee-eend, IJseend, Paarse Strandloper and sometimes Geelsnavelduiker around somewhere, but you need a telescope and calm weather.

During spring and autumn migration often flocks of Bonte Strandloper, Kanoet, Tureluur, Scholekster. The water is always worth checking for Alcidae, especially in migration times.

In Summer, look for breeding shorebirds like Temmincks Strandloper, Steenloper or birds like Rietzanger and displaying Veldleeuwerik. Also important for Noordse Stern.



Close to Tromsø airport. A 5 minutes walk from the Airport, best explored by walking along the shoreline. If you arrive by car, park near roundabout opposite airport, public parking or take bus 42 or other buses going to island Kvaløya.

Terrein en leefgebied

Strand , Slikken , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Grasland/weide , Zee


Vlak , Open landschap

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


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Het hele jaar


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Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Auto

Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

Be careful when crossing the street, as there is no footpath!


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