

Vestland  >  Norway

Herdla is Hordaland province’s best birding locality with interesting things to see all year round. More than 230 bird species have been seen here.

Geplaatst* door Terje Hansen
Meest recente update 10 december 2020


Herdla Nature Reserve is a nature reserve in Askøy municipality and Meland municipality in Hordaland and includes shallow sea areas with rich and varied bird life. Herdla is a small, flat island known for its beaches, museums, fishing places, golf course, windsurfing, and kiting, in addition to the German-built fort from World War II. Especially many geese, waders, and passerines stage around Herdla in the migration periods. Herdla can be visited all year round. In the winter, you will find vast amounts of seabirds in the area. Eider are found in hundreds. And you will often find Grote Zee-eend, Zwarte Zee-eend, IJseend, Brilduiker and Middelste Zaagbek this time of the year. You could also see loons and Zeearend. And in mild winters, there are good chances of seeing some waders and a variety of passerines.

The largest migrating birds like Bergeend, Scholekster, Bontbekplevier, Kievit and Veldleeuwerik arrive around the end of February or start of March. After that, the non-stop stream of migrating birds lasts until May. Early summer might be the least exciting season in Herdla. However, about 40-50 species breed in the area, many of which sing beautifully at this time. As early as late June, the autumn migration starts. So later in July and in August, the number of species increases, and this is the perfect time to find waders. From then until October will normally be the most exciting time in Herdla.



Herdla is located about a 40 minute drive from Bergen. Herdla has a bus service from Bergen. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

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