
Venice port and park Biennale

Veneto  >  Italy

The Venice port and park Biennale may seem like urban areas but really they are a great place for unusal birds.

Geplaatst* door Jan Lock
Meest recente update 20 augustus 2020


The Venice port and park Biennale are a great place for migratory and wintering birds, as well as interesting breeding birds. In the park Biennale you can see species such as Dwergooruil, Appelvink and Italiaanse Mus. The migratory and wintering birds you can spot in the port include Parelduiker, Geoorde Fuut and Middelste Zaagbek. You can see sereval gull species such as Zwartkopmeeuw and even the occasional Ringsnavelmeeuw.



To get to Venice you have to either take the boat or train ride towards the city. If you want to take the boat to the city you have to go and park in the airport car park, the actual crossing can be extremely hot in summer but is good for birds such as Grote Stern, Kluut, Lepelaar and Bergeend. The train ride is not as hot and shorter.

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