
Laceno Bello Naturale

Campania  >  Italy

High altitude seasonal lake surrounded by woods (conifers, oaks, beeches, alders, etc.) with sheep and cattle grazing areas.

Geplaatst* door Incoronata
Meest recente update 21 januari 2021


Laceno Bello Naturale is a high-altitude lake in the south of Italy. It is actually a karst plateau with a natural lake in the center that during rainy periods widens to become a large lake. A good place to see passerines, Buizerd, Torenvalk, kites and water birds like Zomertaling, Wintertaling and Tafeleend during the migratory season.


Italiano: Passeriformi, poiana, gheppio, nibbio, e altre specie acquatiche in transito durante la stagione migratoria. Presenza di un lago stagionale , boschi (conifere, querce, faggi, ontano, ecc) aree di pascolo ovini e bovini. Quota 1050 fino a 1900 slm.



To get there you pass by Montella and then to Bagnoli Irpino. A perfect area for exploring on foot. There is more than 50 km of trails in the area. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking place.


Italiano: 50 km di sentieri sul territorio. Clicca sulla P nella mappa per avere le indicazioni per il parcheggio.

Terrein en leefgebied

Hoogvlakte , Berg , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Vlakte , Wetland , Grasland/weide , Dal , Landbouw , Meer


Bergachtig , Rotsachtig , Open landschap

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