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The Glendalough lakes, nearby wetland, rivers, woodlands and old mines are a spectacular place well worth a visit.
Glendalough is a glacial valley in Wicklow Mountains National Park. The name comes from the Irish "Gleann Dá Loch," meaning Valley of the Two Lakes, referring to the Upper and Lower Lakes in the valley. The Glendalough landscapes are magnificent and the diversity of natural and human-modified environments allows you to see a variety of bird species. Birds you can observe include Slechtvalk, Rouwkwikstaart, Grote Gele Kwikstaart, Grote Zaagbek, Dodaars, Tapuit, Graspieper, Taigaboomkruiper, Goudhaan, Grasmus, Fitis and Koperwiek. The Kauw nest in the old ruined cathedral and in the neighbouring buildings.
Glendalough is located in the Wicklow Mountains National Park, about 50 kilometers south of Dublin. There are several car parking areas, near the Ionad Cuairteoirí Gleann Dá Loch - Glendalough Visitor Centre and between the two lochs. Press P on the map for directions to the parking (paid). Fast food is available on site.
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