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Extensive flat puszta area located within the Körös-Maros National Park. A crucial habitat for the Grote Trap.
The Dévaványa Great Bustard Reserve is located within the Körös-Maros National Park. This is a flat puszta area with few trees. A crucial habitat for the Grote Trap. Other interesting birds that can be spotted include Grauwe Kiekendief and Keizerarend. From the Réhely visitor centre you can explore the area. North of the visitor centre is an observation tower to overlook the area.
The Réhely visitor centre is located on the outskirts of the town of Dévavány. Visitors coming from Budapest and Debrecen should turn off main road No. 4 at the junction with Kisújhely, then continue in the direction of Dévaványa. From the southwest the road leads from Gyomaendrőd and from southeast direction from Körösladány to Dévaványa, where turning towards Kisújhely after a few kilometers the buildings of the Visitor Centre appear on the right side of the road. Press P on the map for directions.
The visitor centre is open from 1 April to 31 October, daily from 9 am to 5 pm. Entrance fee 700 HUF (2024).
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