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Extensively managed pastureland with numerous drainage ditches that are not mowed annually and only outside of breeding seasons.
The Kirchwerder Wiesen nature reserve has pastureland, ditches, copses and trees which form a richly structured marsh landscape with habitat for many species. Reeds, bushes and trees provide cover and perching for animals without significantly obstructing the view of the wide landscape. In denser vegetation, including taller trees, species such as Nachtegaal, Wielewaal and Grasmus can be found.
In the open country, Bruine Kiekendief, Roodborsttapuit, Veldleeuwerik, Kievit, Geelgors and Watersnip can be found. Formerly a breeding species, Zwarte Stern can now only be found with luck sometimes. Grauwe Klauwier have successfully nested in the area. Blauwborst, Rietgors , Rietzanger and Kleine Karekiet sing from the reeds. On and near the irrigation ditches you can find various species of ducks, Knobbelzwaan , Grauwe Gans and Grote Canadese Gans. In addition, there are mammals such as common weasel and nutria.
The area is best reached by car. There is a parking lot in the immediate vicinity. However, there is also a bus stop. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The whole path is asphalted, but it is not allowed to drive by car, because it is a nature reserve.
The section of the Kirchwerder Wiesen nature reserve recommended here is about 3 km out and back, but can be significantly extended, even to a circular route.
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