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This former quarry and hazardous waste landfill today is home to some nice open-land and water birds.
The former landfill is a fenced area where the grass is kept short by farm animals, but also holds some wood and rock piles where Roodborsttapuit and Tapuit can be found. Also keep an eye on the gravel path where with some luck Kleine Plevier can be be spotted. Opposite to the landfill there is a quarry. It is still active and hard to look into due to a lot of vegetation around. Next to it there is a bigger area behind a soil dam with shallow water ponds and low vegetation.
There, especially in the spring and summer you can find Kievit, Roodborsttapuit, Veldleeuwerik, Rietgors and Kleine Karekiet and there is a pair of Bruine Kiekendief that regularly visits. Many Boerenzwaluw and Huiszwaluw hunt for insects over the water.
During migration season in the spring and the fall, also check for waders such as Groenpootruiter, Watersnip, Witgat, but also Oeverzwaluw. I have also spotted Blauwborst and Visarend here, but both only once. The best time to visit is in late spring when all the migratory birds are back. Eventually the grass grows so tall that the water areas are barely visible anymore.
Kiesgruben und Sondermülldeponie Bornheim is best reached by bike and poorly connected to public transportation. There is the tram stop Bornheim-Hersel, but the fastest way to the area goes through an underpass underneath a freeway and that is almost always flooded. The train station Bornheim-Roisdorf is around 45 minutes walking distance.
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