Rate birdingplace Innengrodenpütte Friedrichsgroden
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A nice place for many waders, ducks and even rare migrants and all coastal birds.
The water is a great place for waders. For example Kleine Strandloper, Grutto, Bontbekplevier, Bosruiter, Zwarte Ruiter breeding Kluut, and much more. Songbirds like Blauwborst, Rietzanger, Graspieper, Tapuit, Gele Kwikstaart and Baardman are seen there regularly. During migration you also can find many other birds and even rarities. Regularly (different seasons) there can be seen bird like Smelleken, Zeearend, different terns like Noordse Stern, up to 209 Lepelaar, Blauwe Kiekendief, Kievit, Tafeleend, Brilduiker, Slechtvalk, Dodaars and much, much more!
There are two ways. A good one (walking, biking) from Neuharlingersiel in Northwest or one from Harlesiel in the northeast. Both take about 2 km until you reach a little platform with a scope. The biggest advantage there ist that you can look over the Wadden Sea for more birds roosting in the saltmarshes. The second way is for the car directly to the lake from the south (you see it at a map). Bring your own scopes!
The best time is during migration and during summer when many waders are roosting here! For example August to September. In winter you see mainly geese and ducks.