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Valley of the river Heve with meandering stream, shrubland and adjacent spruce and beech forest.
The area was part of an EU LIFE project where non-indigenous spruce plantations have been removed and the meandering course of streams restored until 2014. Since then, the clearcut areas have been developed under natural succession and represent an interesting mosaic of semi-open dry and swampy habitats. The surrounding forest was partially damaged by 2007 windstorm "Kyrill" and thus also contains clearings and semi-open windthrow areas.
Seven species of woodpeckers can be seen and heard along the trail (Zwarte Specht, Grijskopspecht, Groene Specht, Grote Bonte Specht, Middelste Bonte Specht, Kleine Bonte Specht and Draaihals). Other interesting forest birds include Houtsnip, Bonte Vliegenvanger, Fluiter, Vuurgoudhaan, Matkop, Zwarte Mees, Kuifmees, Kruisbek, Grote Lijster and Dwerguil. The semi-open patches provide habitat for Boompieper, Grauwe Klauwier, Zomertortel, Sprinkhaanzanger, Fitis, Roodborsttapuit and Geelgors. Raaf and Zwarte Ooievaar are visitors. Along the river, IJsvogel, Waterspreeuw and Grote Gele Kwikstaart can be encountered.
There is a car park at Neuhaus. From there use the A7 hiking trail (circular walk of about 7 km, see the map). The trail leads along the river valley which can be best explored by foot.
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