
Hallig Hooge

Nordfriesland, Schleswig-Holstein  >  Germany

Small and flat Hallig (like-island) in the North Frisian Wadden Sea inhabited by about 120 residents and sometimes inundated during heavy winter storms.

Geplaatst* door Leo Schindler
Meest recente update 14 februari 2025


Hallig Hooge is characterized by large fallow areas, some of which are used for livestock farming. There are large areas of salt marsh on the east and west sides of the Hallig. While the North Sea is on the north side, large mudflats are exposed around the rest of the Hallig Hooge at low tide. Isolated hills with clusters of houses, small ponds and shrub structures allow very close observations of migrating songbirds, especially during migration periods.

On a small sandbank on the northeastern side of Hallig Hooge is a hightide roost of waders and other waterbirds. But during very high tides the entire island is used as a roost. Breeding birds include Scholekster, Tureluur and Dwergstern on the small sandbar. Other birds you can encounter are depending on the season Rotgans, Smient, Bergeend, Eider, Middelste Zaagbek, Kluut, Zilverplevier, Goudplevier, Wulp, Rosse Grutto, Bontbekplevier, Steenloper, Bonte Strandloper, Tapuit, Graspieper, Noordse Stern, Visdief and Grote Stern. During migration time you can also encounter birds such as Roodhalsgans, Sneeuwgors, Paarse Strandloper, Bladkoning, Rouwkwikstaart, Draaihals and all types of songbirds like trushes and flycatchers.



Hallig Hooge can be reached by ferry from Schlüttsiel (see link below). Press P on the map for directions to Schlüttsiel. The crossing from Schlüttsiel to Hallig Hooge takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Every point on the island of Hallig Hooge itself is easily accessible on foot or by bike. You can get around on foot on the Warften (small hills, including clusters of houses and bush structures), but there are also some private properties and private paths.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Vlakte , Zee , Duinen , Vijver , Slikken , Landbouw , Rietvelden , Stad/dorp


Vlak , Heuvelachtig , Open landschap , Hoog water mogelijk

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Voorjaarstrek , Najaarstrek


Verharde weg , Breed pad , Onverharde weg , Smal pad

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Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Rolstoel

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Extra info

Roodhalsgans Topper Zwarte Zee-eend Brilduiker Kolgans Topper Dodaars Koekoek Nachtzwaluw Gierzwaluw Meerkoet Kraanvogel Kievit Kleine Plevier Morinelplevier Krombekstrandloper Houtsnip Watersnip Grauwe Franjepoot Oeverloper Witgat Groenpootruiter Kleine Jager Drieteenmeeuw Reuzenstern Roodkeelduiker Jan-van-gent Kleine Zilverreiger Lepelaar Visarend Blauwe Kiekendief Bosrietzanger Kleine Karekiet Fluiter Bladkoning Humes Bladkoning Pallas' Boszanger Siberische Tjiftjaf Taigaboomkruiper Boomkruiper Beflijster Grote Lijster Tapuit Grote Gele Kwikstaart Oeverpieper Rouwkwikstaart Noordse Kwikstaart Western Yellow Wagtail (flavissima) Keep Frater Barmsijs Rietgors Havik Ruigpootbuizerd Buizerd IJsvogel Draaihals Smelleken Slechtvalk Grauwe Klauwier Ekster Kauw Roek Bonte Kraai Strandleeuwerik Boomleeuwerik Spotvogel Rietzanger


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