
Bölsdorfer Haken

Sachsen-Anhalt  >  Germany

This beautiful nature reserve is a flat and wet area and part of the Elbe River Landscape Biosphere Reserve with lots and lots of birds.

Geplaatst* door Nadine Rieger
Meest recente update 10 oktober 2024


Bölsdorfer Haken is a wonderful flat and wet area where you can see lots of geese, ducks, herons, waders, birds of prey (including Zeearend), storks (including Zwarte Ooievaar), Kraanvogel, most commonly during migration season (spring/ autumn). The area has a bird observation tower, which gives you perfect view to the wetlands of the Elbe river and lots and lots of birds. From the end of April, Nachtegaal sings and Wielewaal whistle in the small floodplain forest directly adjacent.



Bölsdorfer Haken is located west of the town of Jerichow, and east of the village of Bölsdorf. You can park your car in Bölsdorf. Press P on the map for directions. From the village of Bölsdorf you have to walk to the area as only agricultural vehicles are allowed.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Grasland/weide , Meer , Landbouw


Vlak , Open landschap , Nat , Hoog water mogelijk

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