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Nature reserve with extensive fishponds and NABU Naturerlebniszentrum, a small landscape park with nature trails, visitor centre, exhibitions and more.
Blumberger Mühle nature reserve has a NABU-Naturerlebniszentrum with a visitor centre, exhibitions, a restaurant and more. Behind it, there is a small park with nature trails, gardens, small reed ponds, a playground and hides overlooking the fishponds. There is also an outdoor enclosure with European Pond Turtles.
The fishponds are a good place to see ducks, waders in autumn, especially Goudplevier and Zeearend can often be seen year-round. Kraanvogel roost on the fishponds in autumn. In summer, Zwarte Ooievaar often visits the fishponds and a high number of Dodaars breed here. In winter it is a good place to see Kleine Zwaan among the many Wilde Zwaan.
The area around the visitor centre has many species of gardens and open landscapes to offer: several warbler species, Nachtegaal and sometimes also Noordse Nachtegaal, or Grauwe Klauwier and Kneu. The Blumberger Mühle also hosts a breeding pair of Grote Gele Kwikstaart. Further common species are IJsvogel, Grote Zilverreiger and Witte Kwikstaart.
You can get there easily by public transport. Take the train to Angermünde (hourly from Berlin) and from there you can either cycle (4 km) or take the shuttle "BiberBus" which operates from April to Oktober. Arriving by car, follow the signposts "Blumberger Mühle" via Angermünde. There are car parks (see P on map) and a caravan park. Click P on the map to get directions.
NABU-Naturerlebniszentrum (visitor centre & nature trails). Opening times: Open from April to October 10am – 6pm daily. Open from November to March 10am – 4pm daily. Entrance charges: Free entrance for NABU members. Adults € 4, Reduced € 3, Children € 1, Families € 7. Please check the website for latest news and current situation on site.
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