
La butte de Doue

Ile-de-France  >  France

This hill constitutes a very good viewing point on the adjacent countryside and is a good spot to observe bird migration, particularly during autumn migration.

Geplaatst* door T
Meest recente update 28 maart 2020
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Particularly a good spot for autumn migration. In August-September several dozens of Boompieper and Gele Kwikstaart are visible during a single morning. The site is certainly one of the best in the Paris region for migration of Houtduif with tens of thousands of them visible on some October mornings. Several dozens of Koperwiek, Kramsvogel and Zanglijster are common during mornings of October-November. It is also the case for Veldleeuwerik, Witte Kwikstaart and Graspieper.

You can also look for passerines stopping in the bushes on the hill, for example Braamsluiper is heard regulalry in April-May. Beflijster is regular in April in the tall trees with mistletoe. Geelgors breeds in the bushes.



You can either park in the village of Doue or at the top of the hill near the church. Best explored by walking.

Terrein en leefgebied

Landbouw , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Grasland/weide , Stad/dorp


Heuvelachtig , Open landschap

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


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Wanneer hier vogels kijken?

Herfst , Lente

Toptijd voor dit gebied



Verharde weg , Smal pad

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