
Luxor - Historic Sites

Upper Egypt  >  Egypt

The desert areas Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut and Karnak Temples, and the Ramses statue are home to many uncommon desert species.

Geplaatst* door Iain Crawford
Meest recente update 10 oktober 2022
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At Karnak Temple, watch for Steenuil, Kerkuil, Vale Rotszwaluw, Kleine Groene Bijeneter, Woestijnvink and Blauwe Rotslijster. Valley of the Kings has Woestijntapuit, Monnikstapuit and Spaanse Mus around the cafe.

Also in the area are Bruinnekraaf, Maskerduif, Kroonzandhoen, Sahelzandhoen, Woestijnvalk, Barbarijse Valk, Woestijnleeuwerik, Lannervalk, Sakervalk, Kleine Torenvalk, Renvogel and others.



Luxor is a popular tourist destination with its own airport. Train from Cairo takes about 10 hours. From the city centre take ferry across the Nile, then taxi, donkey or camel to Valley of the Kings. The route shown on the map is about 8 km. Entrance ticket to 3 tombs costs 240 Eg £. Take plenty of water.

Terrein en leefgebied

Berg , Kloof/klif , Woestijn , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Hoogvlakte , Dal , Duinen


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