
Sneum Lake and lock

Region of Southern Denmark  >  Denmark

Lake with reed beds, muddy banks and small islands and sea-side with salty marsh and Wadden Sea. Hotspot for several scarce species.

Geplaatst* door Henrik Böhmer
Meest recente update 12 februari 2020


Sneum Lake is one of only a few larger, coastal lakes in the region and in the spring, summer and autumn, it is home for scarce species like Lepelaar, Zwartkopmeeuw and Blauwborst, and a mix of waterbirds that varies during the year. The lake attracts great numbers of birds and the list include vagrants such as Siberische Taling, Steppevorkstaartplevier, Franklins Meeuw. The lake is always woths checking out.

The sea-side always hosts a great number of birds, year-round. In the winter, the tidal flats and salty marshland hosts several species of waders, ducks and gull that concentrate in the coastal bend, with spectacular numbers of Pijlstaart. In the spring, the area host large numbers of arctic waders, including many thousand Kanoet. In the summer, the number of birds decrease and focus species include breeding Geoorde Fuut, Zwartkopmeeuw and Blauwborst. In the late summer and autumn the scene changes and the area become home for yet again high numbers of geese, ducks, arctic waders and different passerines and hotspot for e.g. Lepelaar with flock over 300 strong, yearly Grauwe Franjepoot and Zwarte Stern and regular surprises.



You acces the area by the road just east of the lake from the highway. There is a nice parkinglot with information posters, from where you can move around the area on foot.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Meer , Slikken , Landbouw , Grasland/weide , Rivier , Zee , Rietvelden


Vlak , Open landschap , Heuvelachtig

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