
Nový Vrbenský Rybník

Jihočeský kraj  >  Czech Republic

Nový Vrbenský rybník is one of four ponds which all together form a nature reserve.

Geplaatst* door Michaela Uhrová
Meest recente update 8 februari 2022


Nový Vrbenský rybník is a part of a nature reserve Vrbenské Rybníky, which includes four major ponds (Černiš, Domin, Starý and Nový Vrbenský rybník) and surrounding meadows and wetlands. This protected area provides perfect habitat for breeding and feeding for various species of birds. This pond is typical for the South Bohemian region which means is rather shallow, but vast with dense vegetation on the shores. The characteristic sign of this pond is a small island in the middle, known as a nesting site of Lepelaar.

Besides breeding Lepelaar, there are many other species of birds characteristic for water habitats, such as Wilde Eend, Krakeend, Slobeend, Krooneend, Tafeleend, Dodaars, Geoorde Fuut , Fuut, Waterral, Kwak , Kleine Zilverreiger, Grote Zilverreiger, Roerdomp, Waterhoen, Nijlgans, Bergeend, Knobbelzwaan and Taigarietgans. In the bushy vegetation in the surrounding, there are also many other species, i.e. Grote Bonte Specht, Houtduif, Turkse Tortel, and many passerines: Koolmees, Pimpelmees, Glanskop, Staartmees, Rietgors, Boomklever. A few years ago also Zeearend started to appear in this area.



Nový Vrbenský rybník is very near the town České Budějovice and it is possible to go there by bike or foot. There are a lot of possibilities to park the car, i.e. in parking place of nearby shopping malls (Globus, Bauhaus). In the whole nature reserve of Vrbenské Rybníky, there is a marked turistic path, which is accessible also for prams or wheelchairs.

Terrein en leefgebied

Wetland , Meer , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken


Vlak , Nat

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Lente , Herfst , Zomer

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Breed pad , Onverharde weg , Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets , Rolstoel

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