
Sendero de las Aves La Belen

Camagüey  >  Cuba

The Sierra de Najasa is a dry-savannah near the pitoresque city of Camagüey. The Sendero leads through areas of savannah but also dry forest.

Geplaatst* door Paul Poletajew
Meest recente update 28 februari 2022


Sendero de las Aves La Belen is a remarkfully easy and nice place to see Palm Crow (Cuban) , Plain Pigeon, Shiny Cowbird, Gundlach's Hawk , Giant Kingbird and other species of the dry lands.



The road from Najasa to the sendero is in very bad condition and requires much longer then expected. Unfortunately the Hacienda La Belen is closed due to the pandemic, so there is no possibility to stay overnight at the moment, what would be recommended due to its remote location. Best way to explore is by car and then by feet. The Area around the Haciende and the Sendero are protected and can only be visited with a booked tourguide. Tours must be booked in advance in Camagüey and are about 10EUR/DLR per person.

Terrein en leefgebied

Bos , Steppe , Landbouw , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Stad/dorp


Heuvelachtig , Zanderig , Droog , Open landschap , Stoffig

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


Telescoop meenemen?


Wanneer hier vogels kijken?


Toptijd voor dit gebied

Winter , Lente


Verharde weg , Breed pad , Onverharde weg

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Auto

Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

The road from Najasa to Sibanicú is in even worse condition (hardly passable for a standard car) but has a beautiful little lake in mid-distance. A nice spot for rails, hawks, Eastern Meadowlark and Blue-grey Gnatcatcher.

Bekijk vogelgebieden in de buurt op Birdingplaces


Top 5 vogels

Plain Pigeon
1. Plain Pigeon
(Patagioenas inornata)
Giant Kingbird
2. Giant Kingbird
(Tyrannus cubensis)
Palm Crow
3. Palm Crow
(Corvus palmarum)
Gundlach's Hawk
5. Gundlach's Hawk
(Accipiter gundlachi)

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