
Altenwörth Hydropower Plant

Lower Austria  >  Austria

Hydropower plant on the Danube river with different stagnant and flowing water bodies, mudflats and nice surrounding wood and bushes.

Geplaatst* door Johannes Hohenegger
Meest recente update 7 december 2021


Altenwörth hydropower plant is one of several big powerstations along the river Danube in Lower Austria. This birdwatching spot is especially famous for its diversity of waterfowl species but can also hold many other interesting species. From late summer till early winter it holds one of Austrias biggest gull roosts. It is recommended to visit within one hour before sunset to check the arriving flocks of Geelpootmeeuw and Pontische Meeuw for scarcer species. Zilvermeeuw and Kleine Mantelmeeuw are seen regularly in small numbers and even rarieties like Grote Mantelmeeuw or Grote Burgemeester have been spotted here. In winter the place holds one of the biggest gathering places for Smient, while Wintertaling is seen in bigger flocks during migration. Parelduiker, Roodkeelduiker, Kuifduiker and Wilde Zwaan are a few of the scarce wintering visitors sometimes seen here.

During times of low water level on the Danube, a big mudflat emerges at the end of the old Danube arm. It provides nice numbers of waders especially during peak migration season but can account for surprises throughout the year. The surrounding riparian forests are intensely used but are nevertheless full of interesting woodland species such as Zwarte Specht, Middelste Bonte Specht, Kleine Bonte Specht or Withalsvliegenvanger. If you also keep your eyes on the sky, you may spot some of the regularly occuring raptors like Zeearend, Keizerarend, Slechtvalk, Sakervalk and Boomvalk.



The spot is easily accessed by car, but can also be reached by bike from Kirchberg train station (7 km) or Absdorf train station (13 km). In the village of Altenwörth you follow the signs pointing out "WSCA Yachthafen" and you will reach a parking directly at the cutoff branch (the "old Danube"). You must leave your car here, you are not allowed to use motorized vehicles (except of e-bikes) on any of the tracks. There is a paved footwalk to the power station, which crosses the cutoff and is flooded during high water of the Kamp river, whichs enter the cutoff lake. It is not recommended to do the crossing during severe floods, but if it's only a few centimeters of water, walking through on bare feet should be fine. Different other forestry tracks can be used for discovering the area. The most important are highlighted on the map.

Terrein en leefgebied

Bos , Wetland , Slikken , Meer , Grasland/weide , Verspreide bomen en struiken , Rivier , Rietvelden


Vlak , Hoog water mogelijk

Rondlopende wandeling mogelijk?


Telescoop meenemen?


Wanneer hier vogels kijken?

Het hele jaar

Toptijd voor dit gebied

Voorjaarstrek , Najaarstrek , Winter , Lente , Herfst


Verharde weg , Breed pad , Onverharde weg , Smal pad

Zwaarte wandeling


Toegankelijk via

Te voet , Fiets

Vogelkijkhut aanwezig?


Extra info

For checking the recent sightings as well as for submitting your personal sightings at this place, www.ornitho.at (see link below) or the app "NaturaList" is recommended. Data submitted is used by BirdLife Austria for monitoring, research and bird protection measures.


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