Rate birdingplace Grantchester Meadows
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Floodplain of the river Cam, extending from central Cambridge through Coe fen and Paradise Fen to Grantchester and Trumpington.
Grantchester Meadows is an area of wildflower meadows, dykes, streams, fens and reedbeds. Look for рибарче, сива чапја, мал нуркач, орел рибар, Мочварна овесарка, мал трскар, трскар рогозар, plus патка свиркач, гусковидна патка, калуѓерка, златно блатарче, голем српоклун свиркач, мала бела чапја and патка лажичарка, when the area is flooded. Various bat species, newts, fox, badger, weasel, otter and stoat occasional.
Access from Cambridge on foot via Grantchester Meadows Lane, see map. Nearest rail station, Cambridge. Click on a P in the map for directions.
A lot of the species on this page are by no means regular at the meadows, Calandra Lark for example has only been recorded in the UK on a handful of occasions...
Outside the ridiculous species on this page; Osprey is a scarce passage migrant and not recorded here annually, ducks are usually only present on the flood and things like Goosander and Shelduck are seldom if ever recorded. Waders are also rare excepting Snipe and Lapwing, this is not a place you'd expect to see Curlew for example. Merlin are very scarce in winter.
Species that aren't featured that actually do regularly feature here are Yellowhammer, Grey Partridge, often in spring Mandarin Duck on the flood. Corn Buntings roost.
I am sorry for your disappointment Joe. Calandra lark is clearly an error and now edited out. Thanks for flagging that up. No one would expect to see every bird listed on a visit. Ebird (included above) does list орел рибар, мал сокол, 8 duck species and 9 waders species here. голем српоклун свиркач can appear on passage at any wetlands site. No editor can be expected to list every species that occurs.