Rate birdingplace Alkborough Flats
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Excellent place for birding and walking in an area where the River Trent and River Ouse join to meet the River Humber.
Alkborough Flats has a superb natural setting, where the rivers Trent and Ouse join to form the Humber. Alkborough Flats is a project which helps prevent thousands of homes from flooding. By breaching the river defences new habitats have been created which are a haven for wading birds and wildfowl, making the site an ideal area for bird watching and walks. Thousands of wintering waterbirds can be seen at Alkborough Flats and include significant numbers of златно блатарче, калуѓерка, бојник, црноопашна блатарка, голем српоклун свиркач, црвенонога тринга, сабјарка, гусковидна патка, патка берија and патка свиркач. Other frequent sightings include црна тринга, Pink-footed Goose, блатна еја, мала бела чапја, чапја лажичарка, жолтогрла стрнарка, мал трскар, Мочварна овесарка and мустаклеста сипка.
On the map you see a 6 km circular walk from Alkborough village, down to the Flats,. The walk is mainly on level ground with one steep climb back up to Alkborough. The walk also includes Julian's Bower, a fine example of a turf cut maze thought to have been created by 13th century monks. The maze design can also be seen in the church porch in Alkborough. There are no stiles but a few kissing gates.