

Östergötland  >  Sweden

At Motala Ströms river mouth in Glan you can see seldom visited coastal meadows, and bird rich islets from the wide view of the hills.

Added* by Ludwig Gustafsson
Most recent update 28 февруари 2023


Ljusfors lies in the northern part of Östgötaslätten, a large Swedish plain. It is surrounded by large amounts of forest. The coastal meadows are often visited by flocks of цуцулест кожувар, обичен галеб, Сребренест галеб, Голем морски галеб, езерски галеб, четириока патка, Дива патка, црвеноклун лебед, жолтоклун лебед, црна лиска, голем северен нуркач (some times up to 500) сива чапја and голем корморан in the open not frozen parts of the lake. Smaller amounts of rarer wintering waterfowl like мал нуркач, среден северен нуркач, бел нуркач, цуцулест нуркач, and рибарче.

In the oak meadows tits, woodpeckers, finches winter along with common winter birds like зимовка, свиларка, Брезова чинка, and северна ѕвингалка. On the fields geese and swans can be found. дива гуска, Canada Goose, and Палска (Посебна) гуска have all been sighted.

During spring and autumn the coastal meadows are filled with large amounts of gulls, waders, passerine birds and terns. шумска тринга, црвенонога тринга, речна тринга, калуѓерка, бојник, обична бекасина, мал пескар, and голем српоклун свиркач are all observed although there are often not many wadingbirds.

During spring rains hundreds of речна чигра and езерски галеб could be forced on the lake. Along with smaller amounts of Сребренест галеб, обичен галеб, Голем морски галеб and Arctic Tern.

In the spring and summer large amounts of passerine birds can be heard in the forests. Although mostly common birds can be found, also rarer birds like црвеногушесто муварче, мал клукајдрвец and дебелоклун црешар can be observed.

On the islands обичен трскар, езерски галеб (large colony), цуцулест кожувар, сива патка, Barnacle Goose, дива гуска, црвенонога тринга and голем корморан likely breed. Common passerines on the coastal meadows are нордиско конопјарче (rare and only during the migration), конопјарче, Жолта тресиопашка, билбилче, ливадска трепетилка and полска чучулига.

Many species of dabbling ducks can also be found during this season like патка берија, патка свиркач, сива патка, патка лажичарка, and патка крецка. Along the river планинска тресиопашка and рибарче breed, and воден ќос can be found.



There are 2 parking spots and 2 nature reserves at the river mouth, one at each side of the river. There is a parking spot and trail at both reserves. At ljusfors naturreservat the trail goes up on a large hill which is perfect for viewing the area. Click on a P in the map for directions.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Wetland , Scattered trees and bushes , Grassland , Reedbeds , City/village , Mud flats , Beach , River , Lake



Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration


Wide path

Difficulty walking trail


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