
Vogelmeer - Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland

Noord-Holland  >  Netherlands

Beautifully varying dune landscape near the sea with many birds to observe.

Added* by Koenraad Bijl
Most recent update 2 ноември 2023


The Vogelmeer (Bird Lake) is part of National Park Zuid-Kennemerland. Due to the varying landscape, there are numerous species of birds in and around the lake. The birds are clearly visible due to the open vegetation. On the water you can see different types of ducks, like: гусковидна патка, патка крецка, патка лажичарка, сива патка, патка берија and maybe долгоопашеста патка. It is also a good place to see the сабјарка, среден пескар, мал пескар, црноврат нуркач and мал нуркач. Different types of geese and голем корморан can be seen all year round. Around the lake you have many songbirds, among them: бела тресиопашка, обично попче, обично камењарче, обична зелентарка, билбилче and Крстоклун. With a little luck you see the Синогушка, славејче, белограден ќос, гавранand големо страче.


Nederlands: Het Vogelmeer maakt deel uit van Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland. Door het afwisselende landschap leven er talloze soorten vogels in en rond het meer. De vogels zijn duidelijk zichtbaar door de open begroeiing. Op het water zijn verschillende soorten eenden te zien, zoals: гусковидна патка, патка крецка, патка лажичарка, сива патка, патка беријаen met veel geluk долгоопашеста патка. Het is ook een goede plek om de сабјарка, среден пескар, мал пескар, црноврат нуркач en мал нуркачte zien. Verschillende soorten ganzen en голем корморан zijn het hele jaar door te zien. Rondom het meer zitten veel zangvogels, waaronder: бела тресиопашка, обично попче, обично камењарче, обична зелентарка, билбилчеen Крстоклун. Met een beetje geluk zie je de Синогушка, славејче, белограден ќос, гавран en големо страче.



The National Park is easily accessible from the N208 and A9. You can park at Koevlak, Parnassia en Bleek en Berg. After that it is about a 30 minute walk. Also accessible by bicycle. South of the lake is a hide for birdwatching. The walking route you see on the map is about 5 km.


Nederlands: Het Nationaal Park is gemakkelijk bereikbaar vanaf de N208 en A9. Je kunt parkeren bij Koevlak, Parnassia en Bleek en Berg. Daarna is het ongeveer 30 minuten lopen. Ook per fiets bereikbaar. Ten zuiden van het meer vind je een vogelkijkhut. De wandelroute op de kaart vertrekt vanaf de parkeerplaats bij Parnassia en is ongeveer 5 km.

Terrain and Habitat

Lake , Beach , Scattered trees and bushes , Dunes


Sandy , Hilly , Open landscape

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round , Spring , Winter , Autumn

Best time to visit

Spring , Spring migration


Paved road , Unpaved road , Narrow trail

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle

Birdwatching hide / platform



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