Rate birdingplace Baltic coast Klützer Winkel to Wohlenberg
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Rather natural Baltic sea coastline, especially good in late autumn to early spring for divers, grebes and ducks
This coastline covers a variety of habitats, beaches, sand cliffs, bushes, forest and meadows. It is pretty good for wintering ducks, grebes and divers but there can be also some nice and rare breeding species like дамчесто грмушарче and Common Rosefinch (see markings on the map).
In winter the best places for црноврат нуркач is the Wohlenberger Wiek, белец and долгоопашеста патка can be seen in winter as well as Common Scoter all along the coastline.
There are some car parks rather close to the shore. You can also walk along the complete coastline or even better take a bike. The trail you see on the map is 15 km.
The huge Farm at Grundshagen used to be a place for Цуцулеста чучулига but this bird became rare in recent years. Have a try there but don't enter the farm!