
Blockhouse Point Conservation Park

Maryland  >  United States

Small park near the Potomac River, dominated by tall upland deciduous trees.

Aggiunto* da Timothy Boucher
Ultimo aggiornamento 30 dicembre 2023


Blockhouse Point Conservation Park is a nice place to find all seven more often seen woodpeckers in the region - especially in winter. There is a good set of hiking trails, but birding is better in the clearings and near the river. Migration is decent, but there are better spots nearby (this is a good place to come after going to Violett's Lock for instance). In summer there are a few breeding warblers (mostly Ovenbirds, Louisiana Waterthrush and Worm-eating Warbler), Scarlet Tanagers are common, along with Yellow-billed Cuckoos and the more common flycatchers (Acadian, Great Crested and Eastern Wood-pewees). There are also Barred Owls present (dawn or dusk best) and the occasional Eastern Screech-Owl can be found.



Drive north on River Road from Potomac Village, and park at one of two parking spots. Click on a P on the map for directions or coordinates. From the first/main parking area, hike down the hill to the canal, or follow other trails either to your left or right.

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