
Worsthorne Moor

Lancashire  >  United Kingdom

Moorland that is part of the South Pennine Moors, the largest area of unenclosed moorland in West Yorkshire.

Aggiunto* da Jamie Johnson
Ultimo aggiornamento 27 febbraio 2024


Worsthorne Moor is located east of Burnley and part of The South Pennine Moors. The moor provides habitat for birds such as Chiurlo maggiore, Allodola, Pispola, Fanello, Culbianco, Stiaccino and Falco pellegrino.



Worsthorne Moor is located 2 miles (5 km) east of Burnley. The suggested 7,5 mile (12 km) circular walking route indicated on the map starts at Worsthorne Moor car park at the Long Causeway. Click on the P in the map for directions to the car park. The route gradually climbs up, joining a section of The Pennine Bridleway. It also reaches Hurstwood Reservoir and Cant Clough Reservoir. Some parts can get rather muddy during wetter months, so it is best to come prepared with appropriate footwear.

Terreno e habitat


Caratteristiche dell’area

Collinoso , Paesaggio aperto , Paludoso

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Primavera , Autunno , Estate

Miglior periodo per visitare



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Modalità di accesso

A piedi

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


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