
Walker Riverside

Northumberland  >  United Kingdom

A public park mostly on reclaimed former industrial zones beside the River Tyne, mostly wooded and with some inter-tidal mud.

Aggiunto* da Nutcracker
Ultimo aggiornamento 1 febbraio 2023


The site continues downstream from Birdingplace 'River Tyne' (see separate entry) and can be combined with it on a bicycle trip. Many of the birds are the same, but as there is less tidal mud there are fewer waders, compensated for by much more bird-rich scrubland and woodland, rather than office blocks and other buildings. Thus birds like Luì piccolo, Bigiarella, and Capinera are more regular here than further upstream. There is a Gabbiano tridattilo colony on the south bank, with groups of many more flying to and from their nest sites further upstream. Being closer to the river mouth, it also has increased chances of displaced seabirds like Edredone, Uria and Gazza marina.



Best explored by cycling, but also easy walking. The bus service Q2 from Newcastle City Centre also stops at the site, and others nearby.

Terreno e habitat

Foresta , Velme , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Fiume , Città/paese

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Collinoso

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Tutto l'anno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Primavera , Autunno


Sentiero ampio , Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi

Difficoltà media

Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta , Sedia a rotelle

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


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