
Newton Abbot - Rackerhayes Ponds

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Rackerhayes Ponds are on the Northern edge of the town of Newton Abbot in South Devon.

Aggiunto* da Baz Willmott
Ultimo aggiornamento 16 dicembre 2020
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Rackerhayes just to the North of the centre of Newton Abbot, is a collection of ponds, probably better to be called lakes due to their size and surrounded by trees/shrubs and rough areas. The Ponds attract a good variety of duck species (especially when areas further North are experiencing freezing conditions), the surrounding trees/shrubs are good for passerines and there are more open areas of grass giving a choice of routes other than that drawn on the map.



Going South on the A380, come off when approaching Newton Abbot onto A 383 by way of a roundabout that heads West, at next roundabout take first exit (still A383), at next roundabout take first exit again (still A383) but called Greenhill Way, at next roundabout take first exit again into Newton Road, at next roundabout turn right at Tesco Superstore keeping right and park in car park at rear of superstore.

Terreno e habitat

Foresta , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Zona umida , Lago , Città/paese , Canneti , Fiume

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Paludoso

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Tutto l'anno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Migrazione primaverile , Migrazione autunnale , Autunno , Primavera , Inverno , Estate


Strada asfaltata , Sentiero ampio , Sentiero stretto

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta , Macchina

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

This area can become reasonably busy during Summer and at Weekends, but because Newton Abbot is not on the coast it is less of a problem here. A visit on a weekday or during cold weather is an option.

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