
Loughborough Big Meadow

Leicestershire  >  United Kingdom

Loughborough Big Meadow is just that – a diverse 45 ha site of herbrich hay meadow. The meadow has been used for flooding as long as records exist.

Aggiunto* da LeicsBirder
Ultimo aggiornamento 25 aprile 2022
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Loughborough Big Meadow is the ideal spot for a gentle wander through a beautiful, peaceful meadow. The ideal time to visit is in the late spring, when you’ll be able to hear Allodola singing overhead and admire the array of wildflowers on display. Great burnet, meadow saxifrage, yellow rattle, common birds-foot-trefoil and pepper saxifrage all make their home here. The meadows are the only known site in the county today for the nationally scarce narrow-leaved water-dropwort. As you walk along the river, you might be able to hear Forapaglie comune, Sterpazzola and Migliarino di palude, which will spend the summer here. Most of the meadow is mown for hay during June or July, before we graze the area in the late summer and autumn.

This is one of the few ‘Lammas meadows’ left in England. These are areas of common land dating back to medieval times. Dole stones (marker posts) were used to define ownership of strips of the meadow that were opened for grazing on Lammas Day. This has been August 1 since 1752. The amount of land someone owned on the meadow defined how many animals they were allowed to graze.



The reserve lies alongside the River Soar and Meadow Lane between Loughborough and Stanford on Soar. It consists of a number of unmarked plots in the centre of the meadows. Access is via a stile near the River Soar entrance.

Terreno e habitat

Foresta , Zona umida , Pianura , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Fiume , Canneti , Città/paese

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Paludoso , Paesaggio aperto , Acqua alta possibile

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW


Miglior periodo per visitare

Primavera , Estate


Sentiero stretto

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Sedia a rotelle

Capanno/torretta di osservazione



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