
Loe Beach

Cornwall  >  United Kingdom

Loe Beach at Feock gives great panoramic views across the Carrick Roads. This is a winter viewing area for seabirds, Grebes, Sea Ducks and Divers.

Aggiunto* da Paul Freestone
Ultimo aggiornamento 13 gennaio 2024


Loe Beach is one of the best places in Cornwall for winter water birds. A calm, clear day is best and birds here can include scarce and rare winter visitors like Orco marino dagli occhiali (3 in 2023), Moretta codona, Svasso collorosso, Svasso piccolo (once in internationally important numbers), Svasso cornuto, Strolaga minore, Strolaga maggiore and Strolaga mezzana. Smergo maggiore and Smergo minore are also regular winter visitors.

Other waterbirds that can be seen here are Sula, Marangone dal ciuffo, Cormorano, Gavina, Mugnaiaccio, Zafferano, Gabbiano reale nordico, Gabbiano corallino, Gabbiano comune, Svasso maggiore and Martin pescatore. Waders include Beccaccia di mare, Chiurlo maggiore, Voltapietre, Piro piro piccolo and Chiurlo piccolo (in Spring).



From the A39 at Carnon Downs take the B3289 to Four Turnings then straight on towards Portgwidden. Turn sharp left then follow the signs to Loe Beach. The roads are a bit narrow here! There is a pay and display car park at the beach (sailing club). Dont park anywhere else, you will get a fine! You can view the Carrick Roads from the beach.

Public Transport is available and the 493 and 660 buses from Truro and Falmouth stop at Clock Corner from where you can walk to Loe Beach.

Terreno e habitat

Spiaggia , Mare , Fiume

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW


Miglior periodo per visitare



Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta , Macchina

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

Scope is very much advised here. Weekends can be very busy especially when the sea is calm as the sailing club here is very popular.

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