

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Nature reserve on the western shore of the large and shallow lake Roxen. Almost 300 bird species have been recorded in the area.

Aggiunto* da Ludwig Gustafsson
Ultimo aggiornamento 31 marzo 2022


Svartåmynning is a nature reserve on Lake Roxen and a top bird watching area. From one of Svartåmynnings birdwatching towers you get a sweeping view of the lake. Lake Roxen is a large shallow lake with an average depth of 4.8 meters. In Svartåmynning 279 bird species have been seen, and in Roxen as a whole 296 bird spiecies have been seen. In the winter just as the snow dissappeares in February the first spring birds arrive: Storno, Allodola, Fanello nordico, Cesena, Zigolo delle nevi and Pavoncella. As the area around Svartåmynning is one of the first places to become ice free in early march, you can usually find large gatherings of Fischione, Oca granaiola della taiga, Moretta, Oca selvatica, Quattrocchi, Smergo maggiore, Pesciaiola, Oca canadese and Alzavola. In late march many of the less common birds can arrive Airone bianco maggiore, Oca zamperosee, Codone, Mestolone and Oca facciabianca. At the same time the coastal meadows are filled with: Fanello, Pispola, Prispolone and Piviere dorato. The first waders also start to appear: Pettegola, Piro piro culbianco, Pittima reale, Beccaccino, Chiurlo maggiore and Corriere grosso.

In late March the first Oca lombardella minore arrive on their route to the mountains. This is one of the few areas where this goose can still be seen regularly. In April even more ducks and geese arrive. Now the first substantial amounts of waders arrive. With them the first Corriere piccolo, Chiurlo piccolo, Beccaccia di mare, Piovanello pancianera, Pantana and Combattente are ussually seen. Around Sättuna the very large Gabbiano comune colony starts to form. Around this time you can find Gabbianello in large amounts, and sometimes even the rare Gabbiano corallino. At the same time the first terns arrive Sterna codalunga, Sterna maggiore and Sterna comune. This is usually the best time for watching marine ducks who often wander to the lake, sometimes in large flocks. The most common of theese are Orchetto marino and Moretta grigia. But Orco marino, Moretta codona and Edredone are can also be seen. The lake is used by thousands Moretta as feeding grounds. On the coastal meadows also often se marine birds like Spioncello marino . In the latter part of april the latest duck Marzaiola starts to appear. Now the waders take over with even more species like Piro piro boschereccio, Gambecchio nano, Totano moro and Pivieressa even some of the rarest waders are seen quite regularly: Gambecchio frullino, Falaropo beccosottile, Albastrello (not seen every year, has breed once) Piviere orientale (now seen 4 years in a row). Now the Mignattino comune and Ciuffolotto scarlatto also arrive.

In Svartåmynning many rare birdspecies breed. The area has a very large amount of breeding waders: Pettegola (common) Beccaccino (common), Pavoncella (common), Pittima reale (Swedens northernmost population of the bird breeds here), Corriere piccolo (uncommon), Beccaccia di mare (uncommon), Chiurlo maggiore (uncommon). On the coastal meadows large amount of ducks and geese also breed. On the ground Fanello, Pispola, Averla piccola and Allodola all breed. Falco pescatore, Poiana, Falco pellegrino, Gheppio, Sparviere, Aquila di mare and Falco di palude all breed in the area.

As autumn starts to rear its head the waders start to increase again. If the water in Roxen is at the right level hundreds of waders can bee seen. Waders like: Piro piro boschereccio (often 100+), Pantana (often 30+), Corriere grosso (often 100+) Combattente (often 200+), Corriere piccolo (often 20+), Totano moro (often 50+). In autumn the arctic waders are much more common and in August-September they can be seen in the hundreds: Piovanello pancianera (often 300+), Piovanello maggiore (often 100+), Pivieressa (often 50+) Piovanello comune (often 30+). Many quite rare waders are regularly seen at Svartåmynning in autumn like Gambecchio frullino, Piovanello tridattilo, Falaropo beccosottile, Voltapietre and Pittima reale (islandica).

During autumn large flock of finches, starlings, wagtails and pipits often congregate on the coastal meadows. In these flock rarer birds like Pispola golarossa and Zigolo della Lapponia are often found. When the geese arrive again there can usually be found a few Oca colombaccio. When the late autumn arrives and the ducks yet again reach their peak, you can see thousands of Moretta (often 5000+) Smergo maggiore (has decreased but could once be seen in the thousands in the lake) Pesciaiola (often 1300+, highest concentrations in the country), Svasso maggiore (often 2000+, highest concentration the country). Among these birds you can sometimes find rarer ducks.



Just outside of Linköping along the road between Ljungsbro and Linköping. There are three different entrances to the reserve. The south at Sättuna, the middle at Nybrobaden and the north at Sjövik. All of them have bird towers and information signs. The bird towers at Nybrobaden and Sättuna are accessible by wheelchair. Several parking spaces are available. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point. Marked trails run from the car parks to the bird towers.

Terreno e habitat

Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Zona umida , Pianura , Fiume , Lago , Foresta , Spiaggia , Velme , Terreni coltivati , Canneti , Città/paese

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Paludoso , Non ombreggiato , Acqua alta possibile , Paesaggio aperto

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW

Tutto l'anno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Autunno , Primavera


Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

Don't disturb the birds. Follow the signs, some of the paths are of limits during the breeding season (April-July)

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