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Skottorps Våtmarksområde

Halland  >  Sweden

Wetlands located at Skottorp castle in the floodplains along the river Stensån.

Aggiunto* da Mats Carlsson
Ultimo aggiornamento 30 agosto 2022
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The wetlands of Skottorps Våtmarksområde were created in the 1990s on land that until the turn of the last century consisted of large floodplains along the river Stensån. The newly created wetlands are not in direct connection with the river, except at high water when the river overflows its banks. The area is an oasis in an otherwise rather intensively cultivated agricultural landscape.

Primarily wetland birds are attracted to the area. The ponds were the first place in Halland where Svasso collorosso nested regularly. Almost every year Voltolino is reported, a species that is extremely scarce in Halland. Other birds you can encounter are Spatola, Pavoncella and waders during migration. In the scrublands and in the fields around the wetlands, there are often Cannaiola verdognola, Forapaglie macchiettato, Quaglia and sometimes Re di quaglie.



The area is located just under a kilometer east of the village of Skottorp. If you come by car, it is best to park in one of the parking lots near the castle and then explore the area on foot. From the E6/E20, take the exit at the crossroads towards Skottorp/Skummeslövsstrand. From there you drive through the community of Skottorp, cross the old national road and continue towards Skottorp castle. There are a couple of parking spaces adjacent to the castle and farm buildings. Note: please do not disturb the activities on the farm and respect those who live in the area.

Terreno e habitat

Zona umida , Lago , Terreni coltivati , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Fiume , Canneti

Caratteristiche dell’area

Paesaggio aperto

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW

Primavera , Autunno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Migrazione autunnale , Migrazione primaverile , Primavera


Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta , Macchina

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

At Skottorp Castle there is a dairy with its own cheese making and a shop in one of the farm buildings.

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Sito per il BW
Torretta di osservazione
Punto di interesse
Punto panoramico
Centro visite
300 m

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