
The Silver Lake Section of the Danube

Branicevo County  >  Serbia

The Danube river bank along the 'Silver Lake' tourist resort represents an excellent birding route.

Aggiunto* da Dragan Simic
Ultimo aggiornamento 15 dicembre 2024


The Lake Srebrno jezero (Silver Lake) is actually an old oxbow meander of the River Danube. On both points connecting the meander to the main Danube watercourse it was dammed in 1971 by the Veliko Gradište-Zatonje road, which crosses the island following the river bank in the length of 7 kilometres. And those 7 km represent an excellent birding route.

A spot deserving special attention in spring is a cove with a Mignattino piombato colony on floating water-lily leaves. Coming from the eastern side, it is located after the embankment and the car park, when you first spot the river Danube on your right, there it is. But the birds will not start breeding before the leaves are fully formed and strong enough to support the eggs. A good spot to spend more time checking for every conceivable bird hiding in the reeds. One of them is the Cannareccione, singing from every patch of reeds along the bank. Other birds to look for are Gruccione, Averla piccola, Averla cenerina (uncommon), Canapino maggiore (mostly by song) and Verzellino. Resident species include Falco di palude, Aquila di mare, Picchio rosso mezzano, Picchio verde and Picchio nero.

In winter, another spot deserves special attention, a cove in front of the Zatonje Village (photos) at the western end of the route (on the Danube and not the meander). That is where I found local rarities such as Cigno minore and Svasso cornuto. All sorts of wintering waterfowl can be spotted here and it is best to plan for a longer water surface scanning (scope needed). This section of the Danube is known for its wintering Oca lombardella, Fischione, Moretta, Quattrocchi (numerous here), Pesciaiola (numerous here), Smergo maggiore (fairly common), Svasso piccolo, Strolaga minore (uncommon), Strolaga mezzana (uncommon), Marangone minore, Averla maggiore, Peppola, Ciuffolotto, etc.

A strong easterly wind is common in the area, which can make birding challenging. A spotting scope is necessary in winter, but not in warmer months when binoculars are sufficient.



Located 110 km ( 1 h and 40 min) east of Belgrade, the lake is reachable by the Belgrade - Niš motorway, where you should turn off at the Požarevac exit and then follow the signs leading for the Veliko Gradište Town and the Srebrno jezero tourist resort. It is about 50 km from the motorway to Silver Lake. For driving directions, zoom in on the map and click on the "P" (parking) sign.

Keep in mind that the northern ring road around the town of Požarevac (marked Ramska St. on Google Maps) is now closed due to the new road construction, hence use the southern road heading east to avoid the town.

Explore by car only. Park wherever you like, but at the side – each straight section of the road inspires the locals to press the accelerator as if they were racing! Explore by walking, or further driving.

In warmer months, the Silver Lake tourist resort is seriously overcrowded and best avoided (and in winter it is closed anyway).

Terreno e habitat

Zona umida , Terreni coltivati , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Prateria/pascolo , Fiume , Canneti , Foresta

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW

Tutto l'anno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Inverno , Primavera


Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

Macchina , A piedi

Capanno/torretta di osservazione



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